Pelmet - BQ Design
Ordering Tips – Pelmet


  • Fabric direction:
    Fabric will be run in drops as standard or railroaded on request (to avoid joins).
  • Print fabric:
    If the pelmet is installed with a blind or curtains in same print fabric, please specify any pattern match requirements.


BQ make the pelmet wood frame according to the IBM or OBM sizing you provide. Finished sizing will be slightly larger due to padding and fabric thickness. If exact finished sizing is required, please specify in OPTIONAL FEATURES & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.

  • Window name:
    Please provide location of window to assist with queries, package labeling and installation.
  • How measure width?:
    * IBM = Inside Box Measurement (BQ standard)
    * OBM = Outside Box Measurement
    * BWM = Back Wall Measurement if pelmet to sit on bay or corner window
  • Width:
    Please specify the IBM or OBM width of your pelmet.
    For pelmets wider than 3900mm, customer to organise freight or collection from BQ Notting Hill Victoria. Finished dimensions will vary depending on thickness of fabric and padding used. If exact sizing is required please specify in OPTIONAL FEATURES & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.For corner or bay window installations, provide back wall measurements (including architraves) and detail requirements in OPTIONAL FEATURES & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. Pelmets for corner or bay windows are supplied in separate pieces and joined onsite.For bay windows, also provide: (i) width across bay and (ii) depth of bay or back wall angles. Refer Customised Products Price List – Roman Blinds page 9 for further assistance with measuring bay windows.
  • Drop:
    BQ’s standard pelmet drop is 250mm for straight pelmets and 300 – 350mm for shaped pelmets, based on a window height of 2100mm. Maximum pelmet drop is 400mm.
    Straight (P1/P1B) pelmet – provide same measurements for minimum (min) and maximum (max) pelmet drop.
    Standard shaped (P2/P2B) pelmet – provide same measurement for minimum (min) and maximum (max) pelmet drop, based on the drop required at front corners of pelmet.
    Non standard shaped pelmet – provide the minimum (min) and maximum (max) pelmet drop required, based on the sketch or template you provide.
    Ensure shaped and straight pelmets are mounted at a height where the curtain heading will be fully covered.
  • Returns:
    The size of the pelmet side/projection measured from the back wall to the face of the pelmet. Please specify left and right side returns (these may differ). BQ recommend the following IBM returns: 100mm for a blind, 150mm for single curtain track, 200mm for double curtain track. Max returns are 200mm. For strength when installed and transported, we recommend returns on all pelmets, even when installed into a wall application or butting up against cabinetry.
  • Headboard Projection:
    The headboard sits at the top of the pelmet and is usually the same sizing as pelmet returns (mentioned above) if allowances for architraves, cabinetry etc not required.